Pure Coconut Oil (Virgin Coconut Oil), The Drugs and Heart Diseases
One of the causes of heart disease is the degree of high blood cholesterol. Cumulation cholesterol caused excessive consumption of fat in the menu every day so that the benefits are stored in the body. In there is a pure coconut oil fatty acid chains are (MCFA) in the manner that is easy to produce energy, does not settle as body fat.
During this time there is some of the people that coconut oil as a fuse coronary heart disease and stroke so deliberately avoid coconut oil from the daily diet, either directly or indirectly. Lack of scientific information about the benefits of coconut oil for health makes oil less laurat this Pamor with palm oil (oleat), soybean oil and corn oil, coconut oil and even relatively hard to find in markets traditionally dominated by the palm oil and soybean. In fact, Indonesia is a major coconut producing countries in the world.
From the results of the research in Papua New Guinea, the level of consumption of the population is quite high and indicates that more people lean, and very rarely affected by coronary heart disease and stroke.
On the consumption of coconut oil, the concentration of serum total cholesterol and diastolic blood pressure lower than the same person once mengonsumsi not coconut oil. This is because coconut oil is a source of acid laurat classified medium chain (MCFA), which has a nature very different from the metabolism of fatty acid chain length. MCFA is much more easily digested, easily absorbed, and transported so often referred to as the energy source ready to use tanks of fuel motor vehicles, high octan. This is an evidence of the impact of poor heart health.
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